To celebrate the launch of our new rebrand, we partnered with South African lifestyle brand Sealand to create beautifully branded backpacks for the Namene team.
Read MoreIn early October we were at New Scientist Live in London to showcase the power of solar energy and engage hundreds of attendees in delivering hands-on solutions to end energy and climate inequality.
Read MoreNamene has evolved as a clean technology company, growing in both scale and ambition over the years. We are now proud to share a vibrant new visual brand that brings them to life.
Read MoreL’entreprise de technologies propres Namene franchit une étape cruciale en distribuant plus d’un million de lampes solaires à des familles vivant hors réseau électrique, grâce à ses projets carbone la
Read MoreLe dimanche 24 septembre, une famille du village de Salumbwe dans le district de Mwandi en Zambie a reçu une lampe solaire pour remplacer leur lampe à kérosène toxique et dangereuse.
Read MoreHow Namene is harnessing clean technology and carbon finance to help end energy poverty, with over one million solar lights deployed in southern Africa.
Read MoreNamene has delivered its millionth discounted solar light under its carbon projects, two years after the projects’ inception.
Read MoreNamene interviews founder of ENRAPOWER, Lawrence Hoba, who shares his experience of being a Namene distribution partner, living our shared values, and the benefits the partnership.
Read MoreGENESIS ENERGY GROUP helped light up the Trek4Mandela with a donation of Namene solar lights.
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