Lighting-up learning with solar lights for children in Gaza

With the help of the International Development and Relief Foundation and the Culture and Free Thought Association, we’re supporting children’s learning in Gaza with our SM100 solar lights.

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How carbon offsetting with solar lights cuts emissions, reduces poverty and saves lives

Namene Solar’s innovative carbon offsetting solar project is the first of its kind in Zambia. Our lights cut carbon emissions, reduce poverty and have truly life-changing impacts.

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Solar Impulse Foundation names SM100 solar light efficient climate solution

Solar visionary Bertrand Piccard’s Solar Impulse Foundation has labelled our SM100 light as one of their efficient climate solutions.

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The life-changing power of solar light: looking back on a year of impact

One year ago Namene Solar won a British Award for African Development (BRAAD) for our innovative African business model. Today we’re celebrating by looking back on a year of impact.

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