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Drive Sustainable Change with Namene Carbon Credits

As the urgency of climate change grows, businesses are under increasing pressure to take responsibility for their emissions and meet sustainability goals. One powerful way to do this, as recommended by the UN Environment Programme, is through carbon credits. Namene is leading the charge in the off-grid solar sector with its innovative carbon projects.

Namene offers high-quality, verified carbon credits that help businesses reduce their carbon footprint while driving positive social impact in underserved communities in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Namibia.

What Are Carbon Credits?

Carbon credits allow businesses to offset their carbon emissions by supporting projects that reduce, avoid, or remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Each carbon credit represents the reduction of one tonne of CO2. Companies can use Namene’s credits, known as Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs), to mitigate their carbon output while supporting sustainable development projects.

Namene’s carbon credits are tied to its mission to provide clean technology to communities lacking access to energy. With over 700 million people worldwide still without electricity, Namene’s solar lights offer a sustainable, carbon-free alternative to polluting energy sources like kerosene lamps.

Namene’s Carbon Projects: Lighting Lives, Reducing Emissions

Namene’s carbon credit programme is built around distributing solar lights to off-grid communities, replacing harmful kerosene lamps, which emit toxic fumes and contribute significantly to carbon emissions. By transitioning households to clean solar lighting, Namene reduces CO2 emissions while improving the health, safety, and economic well-being of families in rural areas.

Solar lights from Namene are life-changing for these families. Beyond environmental benefits, solar lighting eliminates indoor air pollution, lowers energy costs, and allows families to invest savings in essential needs like education, healthcare, and farming. Namene’s carbon projects not only help offset emissions but also create long-term sustainable development.

Verified Emissions Reductions: A Commitment to Quality

For sustainability managers and carbon credit buyers, the quality and transparency of carbon credits are critical. Namene’s carbon credits are certified by Gold Standard, one of the world’s most rigorous verification systems. This certification guarantees that each credit represents the verified reduction of one tonne of CO2. In Namibia, Namene even became the first solar project to achieve Gold Standard accreditation, setting the standard for the country. 

By investing in Namene’s Gold Standard-certified credits, businesses can be confident they are supporting projects that meet high environmental standards while delivering measurable social and economic benefits. Namene ensures that companies can track the impact of their investments—both in carbon reductions and the benefits for the communities receiving solar lights.


The Environmental Impact of Namene’s Carbon Projects

Namene’s projects are currently focused in Sub-Saharan Africa, where access to energy remains a significant challenge. In Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Namibia, Namene has distributed thousands of solar lights, each reducing approximately 97 kg of CO2 annually by replacing kerosene. Every solar light distributed helps families reduce their carbon footprint, eliminate fuel costs, and improve their quality of life.

These projects not only deliver environmental and social benefits but also contribute to global climate goals. Namene is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all by 2030. By purchasing Namene’s carbon credits, businesses contribute to achieving this important global target.

Why Choose Namene’s Carbon Credits?

For businesses seeking a meaningful way to reduce their carbon footprint, Namene’s carbon credits offer more than just an offset. By investing in Namene’s credits, companies help reduce CO2 while supporting clean energy access in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Namene’s solar projects provide:

  • Gold Standard certification for verified emissions reductions
  • Real social impact, delivering clean, safe, affordable energy to off-grid communities—each carbon credit directly benefits six families
  • Alignment with global sustainability goals, including SDG7

In a time when corporate sustainability is more important than ever, Namene’s carbon credits provide a way for companies to offset their emissions while contributing to a cleaner, fairer future for off-grid and remote families.

Take Action Today

If you’re a sustainability manager or business leader looking to reduce your carbon footprint, Namene’s carbon credits offer an impactful way to achieve your sustainability goals. By purchasing Namene carbon credits, you’re not just offsetting emissions—you’re investing in a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

To learn more about Namene’s carbon credits and projects, visit Namene Solar Carbon Credits and join the movement towards a cleaner, more sustainable world.